Who Is LUKE?
As an ENTREPRENEUR I have had the opportunity to start and grow multiple businesses. I’ve seen businesses rise to cover specific needs that have a stated end date, ongoing businesses that provide services to other organizations and some that are direct to consumer in product and service distribution. I love a good business idea and I am always looking to invest in and champion what I love.
Currently, I own a software company specializing in Live Event POS operations (Skip The Line), a Podcast Production Company (The Pod Kitchen) and I do photography and videography (LUKE Photography). If you have similar interests as me, or have a need for some of the services a company I own provides, I’d love a chance to grab a coffee with you and chat. Reach out to me and lets get something on the calendar!
Luke Ramey has been in the Upper Cumberland for over 20 years. A Minneapolis native, you’ll find him cheering for the Vikings every Fall and taking a few trips a year back to the homeland. His love for Cookeville, and it’s local businesses, always bleeds through and you can find him a patron of many of the westside restaurants and stores. Luke’s favorite role is as Dad to Andrew (16) and Bristol (11) and supporting them in all their many activities.